Dear Reader,
The Unnamable is an interview series devoted to conversations with writers about writing, reading, & much else. Each interview will consist of: a one-on-one conversation with the writer; and the writer’s response to The Nameless Questionnaire,1 a fixed set of questions put to all of our guests. Interviews will also often be accompanied by original creative works.
If you’re curious about the questionnaire, I’ve pasted it below. Stay tuned for our first interview, coming this Thursday. If you’d like to subscribe, just enter your email here:
Thank you for reading.
— Ben
The Nameless Questionnaire
A novel, a poem, and a short story you’d teach in a college seminar
The title of that seminar
The great work no one has read
The terrible work everyone has read
Three books you'd send your enemy on a desert island
The doorstopper that should really just be used as a doorstopper
Who do you read in order to write?
“Poetry makes nothing happen.” Agree?
What can be found on your cutting room floor?
I’m indebted to my long-time friend, Dan Garisto, for helping me excise a good many terrible questions. Question #5, my favorite, is his own.